Confessions of an eco-terrorist or what I learned via jet travel
I know it's been awhile since I've posted. Bad me. I spent the last week and a half expending a ton of carbon emissions (especially when coming back from BIL to LHR and LHR to SFO where the planes were, ehmmm how can I say it, empty) but I did learn a lot about the greenness of other countries. I'll share some pics and experiences in the posts to follow the next few days.
It is really interesting to see how the rest of the world looks about being green, my hope with Obama is that Green is not looked at as a sacrifice but instead as an alternative of the long term over the short term. What made me really bummed is progressive Silicon Valley company that I work at, tons of disposables, vs larger telecom giant, they use reusable mugs. I hope to change that soon.
More to follow, but don't think of your life as toil, think of it as art and get creative. (or else visit three art museums in four days and get inspired).