Envisioning a city...
Slate as part of their "Top Right" series honors Janette Sadik-Kahn (or JSK to her colleagues) was Bloomberg's hire for New York City Transportation Commissioner. who looked at New York City through the lens of real estate developer thinking less in terms of efficiency but more in terms of curb appeal and what would it take to realize the intended uses of space. Famous for rerouting Times Square traffic to make it more pedestrian friendly and bringing bicycle lanes throughout Manhattan she has changed the way New Yorkers get around.
The article highlights some of her still in progress initiatives
>The bike lane furor still hasn't entirely subsided, but Sadik-Khan is already on to the next big thing—or rather, things: the pedestrian wayfinding project, which will put signs on sidewalks to give pedestrians directions and distances to nearby landmarks; a bike-share plan, modeled on a program that Washington and other cities have implemented to good effect; and Midtown in Motion, which would allow traffic engineers to adjust stoplights remotely as traffic conditions change.
An essay on her vision for NYC is also on Slate. Transportation is a part of the landscape, not just merely drive through space and understanding the value of that space is an addition to the conversation that I hope other municipalities consider.
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