Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Global Car Free....

It's been a long time, and I apologize for the lack of posts. I've been traveling in Southeast Asia and have been CarFree if not carbon free. Mass transit is a way of life here, in fact in the larger cities having a car can be a detriment, if not for the traffiic for the lack of parking. I've been fortunate that in most of the places that I've visited, I've been able to take mass transit. Some of my favorite have been a boat from Tremberling, Malaysia to the national park Taman Negara. Coming back we flew as we got the benefit of the river to speed us on our way. The express boats of Chao Pryha are very cool in Bangkok as well, they have Monk preference areas on the boats.

The other huge benefit of mass transit here is that it's air conditioned, not exactly carbon free, but the temperatures here can be unbearable. I know that I took the Bangkok Skytrain a few times escape the heat.

Coolest "mass transit" was the indoor roller coaster in Kuala Lumpur, ok so it goes in a circle in a shopping mall, no less, but doesn't get you from point A to B.

Downside is that much of my travel was by jet, a no no in carbon free world, innovations like the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner will improve the efficiency of air travel.

Biggest lesson, when there are no cars around, you can still manage with a little effort, those trishaws do pretty good.

Noisiest and funnest transport, Tuk Tuk in Bangkok, Thailand.

More later


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