Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Sharing the Wealth....

A few weeks ago my friend T started talking about riding his bike to work, except one small problem he didn't have a bike and he wasn't sure that it was going to work. Well some people have two cars, and at that point in time I had no car. However, for the past 10 years I've had two bikes. In fact one of my water bottles has a sticker that says "My other bike is a bike!"

Since I've been mostly riding my road bike, my little sports "bike" to get to work and around I offered my Mountain Bike to my friend if was interested and thought nothing of it.

Well a few days ago, my friend dropped me an email and asked whether the offer was still good. Of course it was, so I've gone from

1 car 2 bikes to ...

no car 2 bikes to...

no car and one bike,

.... Hmmmmm. I don't like this trend. What's left after that?

Note, though I've noted my issues with the Prius, I was truly impressed by how spacious it is when we were able to fold down the seat and put my mountain bike in without taking the wheel off.

Hopefully bike commuting for my friend is just as addicting as it has been for me. Less car, it's not just a good idea, it's infectious.


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